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Friday, September 28, 2007

Penghitungan Subneting

Setelah anda membaca artikel Konsep Subnetting dan memahami konsep Subnetting dengan baik. Kali ini saatnya anda mempelajari teknik penghitungan subnetting. Penghitungan subnetting bisa dilakukan dengan dua cara, cara binary yang relatif lambat dan cara khusus yang lebih cepat. Pada hakekatnya semua pertanyaan tentang subnetting akan berkisar di empat masalah: Jumlah Subnet, Jumlah Host per Subnet, Blok Subnet, dan Alamat Host- Broadcast.
Penulisan IP address umumnya adalah dengan Namun adakalanya ditulis dengan, apa ini artinya? Artinya bahwa IP address dengan subnet mask Lho kok bisa seperti itu? Ya, /24 diambil dari penghitungan bahwa 24 bit subnet mask diselubung dengan binari 1. Atau dengan kata lain, subnet masknya adalah: 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000 ( Konsep ini yang disebut dengan CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) yang diperkenalkan pertama kali tahun 1992 oleh IEFT.
Pertanyaan berikutnya adalah Subnet Mask berapa saja yang bisa digunakan untuk melakukan subnetting? Ini terjawab dengan tabel di bawah:
Subnet Mask Nilai CIDR /9 /10 /11 /12 /13 /14 /15 /16 /17 /18 /19 /20 /21 /22 /23 /24 /25 /26 /27 /28 /29 /30

Ok, sekarang mari langsung latihan saja. Subnetting seperti apa yang terjadi dengan sebuah NETWORK ADDRESS ?
Analisa: berarti kelas C dengan Subnet Mask /26 berarti 11111111.11111111.11111111.11000000 (

Penghitungan: Seperti sudah saya sebutkan sebelumnya semua pertanyaan tentang subnetting akan berpusat di 4 hal, jumlah subnet, jumlah host per subnet, blok subnet, alamat host dan broadcast yang valid. Jadi kita selesaikan dengan urutan seperti itu:

Jumlah Subnet = 2x, dimana x adalah banyaknya binari 1 pada oktet terakhir subnet mask (2 oktet terakhir untuk kelas B, dan 3 oktet terakhir untuk kelas A). Jadi Jumlah Subnet adalah 22 = 4 subnet Jumlah Host per Subnet = 2y - 2, dimana y adalah adalah kebalikan dari x yaitu banyaknya binari 0 pada oktet terakhir subnet. Jadi jumlah host per subnet adalah 26 - 2 = 62 host Blok Subnet = 256 - 192 (nilai oktet terakhir subnet mask) = 64. Subnet berikutnya adalah 64 + 64 = 128, dan 128+64=192. Jadi total subnetnya adalah 0, 64, 128, 192. Bagaimana dengan alamat host dan broadcast yang valid? Kita langsung buat tabelnya. Sebagai catatan, host pertama adalah 1 angka setelah subnet, dan broadcast adalah 1 angka sebelum subnet berikutnya.
Subnet Host Pertama Host Terakhir Broadcast
Kita sudah selesaikan subnetting untuk IP address Class C. Dan kita bisa melanjutkan lagi untuk subnet mask yang lain, dengan konsep dan teknik yang sama. Subnet mask yang bisa digunakan untuk subnetting class C adalah:

Subnet Mask Nilai CIDR /25 /26 /27 /28 /29 /30

Berikutnya kita akan mencoba melakukan subnetting untuk IP address class B. Pertama, subnet mask yang bisa digunakan untuk subnetting class B adalah:
Subnet Mask Nilai CIDR /17 /18 /19 /20 /21 /22 /23 /24 /25 /26 /27 /28 /29 /30

Ok, kita coba satu soal untuk Class B dengan network address
Analisa: berarti kelas B, dengan Subnet Mask /18 berarti 11111111.11111111.11000000.00000000 (
Jumlah Subnet = 2x, dimana x adalah banyaknya binari 1 pada 2 oktet terakhir. Jadi Jumlah Subnet adalah 22 = 4 subnet Jumlah Host per Subnet = 2y - 2, dimana y adalah adalah kebalikan dari x yaitu banyaknya binari 0 pada 2 oktet terakhir. Jadi jumlah host per subnet adalah 214 - 2 = 16.382 host Blok Subnet = 256 - 192 = 64. Subnet berikutnya adalah 64 + 64 = 128, dan 128+64=192. Jadi total subnetnya adalah 0, 64, 128, 192. Alamat host dan broadcast yang valid? Subnet Host Pertama Host Terakhir Broadcast 172.16..255.255
Masih bingung? Ok kita coba satu lagi untuk Class B.Bagaimana dengan network address
Analisa: berarti kelas B, dengan Subnet Mask /25 berarti 11111111.11111111.11111111.10000000 (
Jumlah Subnet = 29 = 512 subnet Jumlah Host per Subnet = 27 - 2 = 126 host Blok Subnet = 256 - 128 = 128. Alamat host dan broadcast yang valid? Subnet … Host Pertama … Host Terakhir … Broadcast …
Masih bingung juga? Ok sebelum masuk ke Class A, coba ulangi lagi dari Class C, dan baca pelan-pelan

Kalau sudah mantab dan paham, kita lanjut ke Class A. Konsepnya semua sama saja. Perbedaannya adalah di OKTET mana kita mainkan blok subnet. Kalau Class C di oktet ke 4 (terakhir), kelas B di Oktet 3 dan 4 (2 oktet terakhir), kalau Class A di oktet 2, 3 dan 4 (3 oktet terakhir). Kemudian subnet mask yang bisa digunakan untuk subnetting class A adalah semua subnet mask dari CIDR /8 sampai /30.
Kita coba latihan untuk network address
Analisa: berarti kelas A, dengan Subnet Mask /16 berarti 11111111.11111111.00000000.00000000 (
Jumlah Subnet = 28 = 256 subnet Jumlah Host per Subnet = 216 - 2 = 65534 host Blok Subnet = 256 - 255 = 1. Jadi subnet lengkapnya: 0,1,2,3,4, etc. Alamat host dan broadcast yang valid? Subnet … Host Pertama … Host Terakhir … Broadcast …
Mudah-mudahan sudah setelah anda membaca paragraf terakhir ini, anda sudah memahami penghitungan subnetting dengan baik. Kalaupun belum paham juga, anda ulangi terus artikel ini pelan-pelan dari atas. Untuk teknik hapalan subnetting yang lebih cepat, tunggu di artikel berikutnya
Catatan: Semua penghitungan subnet diatas berasumsikan bahwa IP Subnet-Zeroes (dan IP Subnet-Ones) dihitung secara default. Buku versi terbaru Todd Lamle dan juga CCNA setelah 2005 sudah mengakomodasi masalah IP Subnet-Zeroes (dan IP Subnet-Ones) ini. CCNA pre-2005 tidak memasukkannya secara default (meskipun di kenyataan kita bisa mengaktifkannya dengan command ip subnet-zeroes), sehingga mungkin dalam beberapa buku tentang CCNA serta soal-soal test CNAP, anda masih menemukan rumus penghitungan Jumlah Subnet = 2x - 2

Meningkatkan keamanan server berbasiskan linux redhat

Agar keamanan server linux anda cukup terjamin sebaiknya setelah instalasi selesai dan belum beroperasi sepenuhnya sebaiknya minimal melakukan langkah-langkah berikut ini (tentu saja level user yg digunakan adalah admin (wheel):
* matikan semua service2 yang tidak diperlukan seperti telnet, kudzu, irda, isdn atau apapun yg tidak diperlukan.

Notes:Ingat salah satu prinsip sekuritas yg baik adalah hanya menyediakan service yg diperlukan saja. Jadi misalnya o/s linux ini hanya akan digunakan sebagai server web, maka service seperti ftp dan named(dns) sebaiknya di nonaktifkan saja.

Caranya bisa menggunakan perintah:ntsysv atau chkcofigPenggunaan untuk chkconfig adalah:
chkconfig –list [nama service]
chkconfig –add
chkconfig –del
chkconfig [–level ] )
* Konfigurasi ulang firewall internal (iptable)Caranya ada 2, yaitu dengan perintah iptables atau mengedit file /etc/sysconfig/iptables

Penggunaan: iptables -[AD] aturan [opsion]Kalau anda bingung, ketik iptables -h atau iptables –help untuk mengeluarkan daftar perintah, Kemudian restart firewall dengan perintah:
service iptable restart

* Aktifkan autentikasi user sehingga hanya user2 tertentu yg di beri wewenang (misalnya, group: wheel) saja yg boleh menggunakan service2 tertentu.

caranya: edit file2 yg ada di /etc/pam.d/su,/etc/pam.d/sudo, /etc/pam.d/vsftpd, dll, kemudian aktifkan (hilangkan tanda komentar, berupa”#”)auth required /lib/security/$ISA/pam_wheel.so use_uid
* Tidak menggunakan telnet tetapi ssh untuk kegunaan remote.Service Telnet sebaiknya dimatikan.
* Non aktifkan penggunaan langsung user root (su) jika login pertamakali menggunakan ssh. Masuk pertama harus menggunakan “user biasa” kemudian baru boleh login sebagai root/su
caranya:edit /etc/ssh/sshd_configAktifkan baris perintah PermitRootLogin yes
* Untuk menambahkan user accoutm biasakan memberikan perint useradd dengan opsion minimal sbb-g [Nama Group]-d [Nama dir Home-nya]-c [Deskripsi mengenai user]-e [expired]-s /sbin/nologin –> sebaiknya ini adalah default untuk “shell user”, sehingga akses user sangat terbatas.

Contoh perintahnya adalah:useradd -g customer -d /inet/webhosting/anu.com -c “Web Hosting User” -e YYYY-MM-DD -s /sbin/nologin asep

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Rahasia Sholat Subuh

Setiap pagi kalau kita tinggal didekat mesjid maka akan terbangun mendengar adzan subuh, yang menyuruh kita untuk melaksanakan shalat subuh. Bagi mereka yang beriman segera saja melemparkan selimut dan segera wudhu dan shalat baik di rumah masing-masing atau ke mushalla atau masjid terdekat dengan berjalan kaki.

Mungkin menjadi pertanyaan mengapa Tuhan memerintahkan kita bangun pagi dan shalat subuh? Berbagai jawaban dari semua disiplin ilmu tentunya akan banyak dijumpai dan membedah serta memberikan jawaban akan manfaat shalat subuh itu. Dibawah akan diulas sedikit mengani manfaat shalat subuh, instruksi Allah sejak 1400 tahun yang lalu.
Dalam adzan subuh juga akan terdengar kalimat lain dibandingkan dengan kalimat-kalimat yang dikumandangkan muazin untuk waktu-waktu shalat selanjutnya. Kalimat yang terdengar berbeda dan tidak ada pada azan di lain waktu adalah “ash shalatu khairun minan naum”.
Arti kalimat itu adalah shalat itu lebih baik dari pada tidur. Pernahkah kita mencoba sedikit saja menghayati kalimat ”ash shalatu khairun minan naum”?
Mengapa kalimat itu justru dikumandangkan hanya pada shalat subuh, tatkala kita semua sedang terlelap, dan bukan pada adzan untuk shalat lain.

Sangat mudah bagi kita semua mengatakan bahwa shalat subuh memang baik karena menuruti perintah Allah SWT, Tuhan semesta Alam, Apapun perintahnya pasti bermanfaat bagi kehidupan manusia. Tetapi disisi mana manfaat i tu? Apa supaya waktu banyak untuk mencari rezeki, tidak ketinggalan kereta atau bus karena macet? Pada waktu dulukan belum ada desak-desakan seperti sekarang semua masih lancar, untuk itu tinjauan dari sisi kesehatan kardiovaskular masih menarik untuk dicermati.

Untuk tidak berpanjang kata, maka dikemukakan data bahwa shalat subuh bermanfaat karena dapat mengurangi kecenderungan terjadinya gangguan kardiovaskular.
Pada studi MILIS, studi GISSI 2 dan studi-studi lain di luar negeri, yang dipercaya sebagai suatu penelitian yang shahih maka dikatakan puncak terjadinya serangan jantung sebagian besar dimulai pada jam 6 pagi sampai jam 12 siang. Mengapa demikian? Karena pada saat itu sudah terjadi perubahan pada sistem tubuh dimana terjadi kenaikan tegangan saraf simpatis (istilah Cina:Yang) dan penurunan tegangan saraf parasimpatis (YIN). Tegangan simpatis yang meningkat akan menyebabkan kita siap tempur, tekanan darah akan meningkat, denyutan jantung lebih kuat dan sebagainya.

Pada tegangan saraf simpatis yang meningkat maka terjadi penurunan tekanan darah, denyut jantung kurang kuat dan ritmenya melambat. Terjadi peningkatan aliran darah ke perut untuk menggiling makanan dan berkurangnya aliran darah ke otak sehingga kita merasa mengantuk, pokoknya yang cenderung kepada keadaan istirahat.

Pada pergantian waktu pagi buta (mulai pukul 3 dinihari) sampai siang itulah secara diam-diam tekanan darah berangsur naik, terjadi peningkatan adrenalin yang berefek meningkatkan tekanan darah dan penyempitan pembuluh darah (efek vasokontriksi) dan meningkatkan sifat agregasi trombosit (sifat saling menempel satu sma lain pada sel trombosit agar darah membeku) walaupun kita tertidur. Aneh bukan? Hal ini terjadi pada semua manusia, setiap hari termasuk anda dan saya maupun bayi anda. Hal seperti ini disebut sebagai ritme Circardian/Ritme sehari-hari, yang secara kodrati diberikan Tuhan kepada manusia. Kenapa begitu dan apa keuntungannya Tuhan yang berkuasa menerangkannya saat ini.
Namun apa kaitannya keterangan di atas dengan kalimat ”ash shalatu khairun minan naum”? Shalat subuh lebih baik dari tidur?
Secara tidak langsung hal ini dapat dirunut melalui penelitian Furgot dan Zawadsky yang pada tahun 1980 dalam penelitiannya mengeluarkan sekelompok sel dinding arteri sebelah dalam pada pembuluh darah yang sedang diseledikinya (dikerok).

Pembuluh darah yang normal yang tidak dibuang sel-sel yang melapisi dinding bagian dalamnya akan melebar bila ditetesi suatu zat kimia yaitu: Asetilkolin. Pada penelitian ini terjadi keanehan, dengan dikeluarkannya sel-sel dari dinding sebelah dalam pembuluh darah itu, maka pembuluh tadi tidak melebar kalau ditetesi asetilkolin.

Penemuan ini tentu saja menimbulkan kegemparan dalam dunia kedokteran.“Jadi itu toh yang menentukan melebar atau menyempitnya pembuluh darah, sesuatu penemuan baru yang sudah sekian lama, sekian puluh tahun diteliti tapi tidak ketemu”.
Penelitian itu segera diikuti penelitian yang lain diseluruh dunia untuk mengetahui zat apa yang ada didalam sel bagian dalam pembuluh darah yang mampu mengembangkan/melebarkan pembuluh itu. Dari sekian ribu penelitian maka zat tadi ditemukan oleh Ignarro serta Murad dan disebut NO/Nitrik Oksida.

Ketiga penelitian itu Furchgott dan Ignarro serta Murad mendapat hadiah NOBEL tahun 1998.
Zat NO selalu diproduksi, dalam keadaan istirahat tidur pun selalu diproduksi, namun produksi dapat ditingkatkan oleh obat golongan Nifedipin dan nitrat dan lain-lain tetapi juga dapat ditingkatkan dengan bergerak, dengan olahraga.
Efek Nitrik oksida yang lain adalah mencegah kecenderungan membekunya darah dengan cara mengurangi sifat agregasi/sifat menempel satu sama lain dari trombosit pada darah kita.
Jadi kalau kita kita bangun tidur pada pagi buta dan bergerak, tatkala tamu yang tidak kita inginkan selalu saja sowan pada setiap pagi gelap, maka hal itu akan memberikan pengaruh baik pada pencegahan gangguan kardiovaskular. Naiknya kadar NO dalam darah karena exercise yaitu wudhu dan shalat sunnah dan wajib, apalagi bila disertai berjalan ke mesjid merupakan proteksi bagi pencegahan kejadian kardiovaskular.

Selain itu patut dicatat bahwa pada posisi rukuk dan sujud terjadi proses mengejan, posisi ini meningkatkan tonus parasimpatis (yang melawan efek tonus simpatis). Dengan exercise tubuh memproduksi NO untuk melawan peningkatan kadar zat adrenalin di atas yang berefek menyempitkan pembuluh darah dan membuat sel trombosit darah kita jadi bertambah liar dan inginnya rangkulan terus.

Demikianlah kekuasaan Allah, ciptaannya selalu dalam berpasang-pasangan, siang-malam, panas-dingin, dan NO-Kontra anti NO.
Allah, sudah sejak awal Islam datang menyerukan shalat subuh. Hanya saja Allah tidak secara jelas menyatakan manfaat akan hal ini karena tingkat ilmu pengetahuan manusia belum sampai dan masih harus mencarinya sendiri walaupun harus melalui rentang waktu ribuan tahun. Petunjuk bagi kemaslahatan umat adalah tanda kasihNya pada hambaNya. Bukti manfaat instruksi Allah baru datang 1400 tahun kemudian. Allahu Akbar.
Mudah-mudahan mulai saat ini kita tidak lagi memandang sholat sebagai perintahNya akan tetapi memandangnya sebagai kebutuan kita. Sehingga tidak merasa berat dan terpaksa dalam menjalankan ibadah dan selalu shalat subuh didahului dengan shalat sunnah dan kalau dapat jalan ke mesjid.

Dan juga anda jangan jadi terlalu bersemangat, karena ingin sehat sehingga shalat subuhnya jadi 3 atau 4 rakaat. Itu tidak ada dalam petunjuk shalat. Selamat shalat subuh dengan penuh rasa syukur pada Allah akan karunia ini. Amien.
diambil dari milist “ahli sufi” arsip file attachment, posting by firliana putri

Smoking is Harmful

Powerful arguments based on the Quran & Sunnah from Dr. Ibrahim B. Syed

Cigarette smoking is the most widespread example of drug dependence in the United States and in all the Islamic countries as well.

The U.S. Surgeon General's Office considers cigarette smoking to America's worst drug addiction problem. Medical investigations show that cigarette smoking is a major factor in the development of many cases of cancer, heart trouble, chronic lung and respiratory disease and other ailments.

Smoking causes more illness and death than all other drugs.
Cigarette smoking in pregnant women results in deleterious health effects on their newborn children. These findings and the revelations in the Holy Qur'an clearly discourages smoking of tobacco by Muslims. Hence smoking is 'not recommended' in Islam.
Smoking and its Health Effects

It is very well known that cigarette smoking is the most widespread example of drug dependence in the United States. A pamphlet released by the U.S. Surgeon General's Office entitled "Why People Smoke Cigarettes" calls cigarette smoking America's worst drug addiction problem. It involves addiction to the drug nicotine in tobacco and possible other tobacco substances.

Like many other drugs, the chemicals in cigarette affect the chemistry of the brain and nervous system and create dependence and lead to compulsive use.
More than 56 million Americans and multiple scores of millions more in other nations, including Islamic nations are hooked on cigarettes in the same way as caffeine addicts are hooked on caffeine. A major reason why sales continue at high levels despite widespread public knowledge about the health hazards is the addictive nature of cigarettes.
Most people start smoking just to conform to peer or social pressures. They get a feeling of "grown up." They find smoking (nicotine) at first acts as a stimulant. Later they find they need to smoke as a tranquilizer.

These smokers develop a level of tolerance and bodily adjustment to nicotine. If this level of nicotine is not maintained in their blood, they will experience uncomfortable physical-psychological dependence problems.

These uncomfortable feelings are classic drug withdrawal symptoms. Addictive drugs are psychoactive which create brain and nervous system dependence and lead to compulsive use. Abrupt discontinuation leads to physiological and psychological distress.
The withdrawal symptoms are headache, stomach discomfort, nervousness, irritability, sweating, change in heart and blood pressure and lower excretion of some hormones affecting the nervous system.

The former U.S. Surgeon General, C. Everett Coop, says, "Cigarette smoking is clearly identified as the chief preventable cause of death (340,000 deaths per year in U.S.A.). In our society it is a major factor in the development of many cases of cancer, heart trouble, chronic lung and respiratory diseases and other ailments. Smoking causes more illnesses and death than all the other drugs."(5) Smoking and Islam

In Islam cleanliness and hygiene are emphasized to the extent that it has been considered a part of Iman (faith). It is very well known that a smoker's mouth is unclean and foul smelling "like a cigarette ash-tray." In the Quran, God says:

"And forbid them what is bad." - Surah Al-'Araf, 7:157
"0 ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling are an abomination of Satan's handiwork. Eschew such abominations that ye may prosper." - Surah Al Ma'idah, 5:93
The word intoxicant has three meanings:
(1) To induce, especially the effect of ingested alcohol.
(2) To stimulate or excite.
(3) To poison.

The latter two meanings are very valid and applicable to nicotine.
Smoking is nothing but a form of 'slow suicide'. The Qur'an says:
"And slay not the life which God hath forbidden..." - Surah, Al-Isra, 17:33
"And make not your own hands contribute to your destruction." - Surah, Al-Baqara, 2:195
"Nor kill or destroy yourselves for verily God hath been to you most Merciful." Surah, An-Nisa, 4:29

Prophet Mohammed has said:
"Nor be hurt or injure others." It is scientifically proven that the exhaled smoke of the smoker is hazardous to non-smokers around him.
The amount of money a smoker spends on cigarette smoking in a period of 30 years is calculated to be Two Hundred Thousand Dollars or more. All this money is simply wasted (not including the money spent on smoker's health care).

God says:
"But squander not your wealth in the manner of a spend thrift, verily spendthrifts are brothers of evils." - Surah, Al-Isra, 17:26, 27
The Christians consider the human body to be a sacred trust given to man by God because it contains the spirit breathed into it by God. Even the Qur'an says
"So, when I have made him and have breathed unto him of My spirit, do ye fall down, prostrating yourselves unto him." - Surah, Al-Hijr, 15:29.
Hence the physical body should not be polluted or injured or destroyed in any way by smoking or taking of alcohol or any type of habit-forming drugs.

For the foregoing reasons and for reasons considered elsewhere, smoking should be discouraged and finally banned in all Islamic countries.
All smoking Muslims should give up this unhealthy and un-Islamic activity. The best way to give it up is to stop all smoking completely. Tapering off on the amount one smokes does not work for most people.

It is not easy to quit suddenly, but it is presently the most successful way. There are many ways and techniques available for a serious minded person to give up smoking. For the Muslims who sincerely practice Islam and who submit themselves to the Will of God, this should not be a difficult task.

Shukran for Your Kindness in visiting our site on Smoking and the Harmful effects of Smoking in Islam,Dr. Rashid M. H.


Lailatul Qadar merupakan satu malam yang mempunyai kelebihan lebih seribu bulan yang lain. Ini dapat kita lihat daripada apa yang telah dinukilkan oleh Allah di dalam al-Quran dalam surah al-Qadar. Begitu juga dengan apa yang telah diberitahukan oleh Rasulullah S.A.W dalam beberapa hadis yang sohih. Kita disuruh untuk menghidupkan malam lailatul qadar dan tidak membiarkannya berlalu begitu saja. Rasulullah S.A.W telah bersabda dalam hadis muttafaq 'alaih daripada Abu Hurairah yang artinya : Sesiapa yang menghidupkan malam lailatul qadar penuh keimanan dan keikhlasan akan diampun baginya dosa yang telah lalu.
Menurut imam Fakhrurrazi bahwa Allah menyembunyikan malam lailatul qadar dari pengetahuan kita sebagaimana Dia menyembunyikan segala sesuatu yang lain. Dia menyembunyikan keredhaanNya pada setiap ketaatan sehingga timbul dalam diri kita keinginan untuk melakukan semua ketaatan atau ibadat itu. Begitu juga Dia menyembunyikan kemurkaanNya pada setiap perkara maksiat agar kita berhati-hati dan menjauhi segala maksiat dan tidak memilih antara dosa besar dan kecil untuk melakukannya kerana dosa kecil jika terus dilakukan secara berterusan akan menjadi dosa besar jika kita tidak bertaubat dan berusaha meninggalkannya. Dia menyembunyikan wali-waliNya agar manusia tidak terlalu bergantung kepada mereka dalam berdoa sebaliknya berusaha sendiri dengan penuh keikhlasan dalam berdoa untuk mendapatkan sesuatu daripadaNya kerana Allah menerima segala doa orang yang bersungguh-sungguh dan tidak mudah berputus asa. Dia menyembunyikan masa mustajab doa pada hari Jumaat supaya kita berusaha sepanjang harinya. Begitulah juga Allah menyembunyikan penerimaan taubat dan amalan yang telah dilakukan supaya kita sentiasa istiqamah dan ikhlas dalam beramal dan sentiasa bersegera dalam bertaubat. Demikianlah juga dengan penyembunyian malam lailatul qadar agar kita membesarkan dan menghidupkan keseluruhan malam Ramadhan dalam mendekatkan diri kepadaNya bukan hanya sekadar menunggu malam lailatu qadar sahaja untuk beribadat dan berdoa. Tetapi inilah penyakit besar yang menimpa umat Islam yang menyebabkan malam-malam Ramadhan lesu kerana mereka hanya menanti malam yang dianggap malam lailatul qadar sahaja untuk beribadat. Kerana mengejar kelebihan lailatul qadar yang mana kita tidak mengetahui masanya yang tertentu menyebabkan kita terlepas dengan kelebihan Ramadhan itu sendiri yang hanya datang setahun sekali.
Antara tanda-tanda dalam mengetahui malam lailatul qadar adalah berdasarkan beberapa hadis di bawah :
1. Abi Ibnu Ka'ab telah meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah S.A.W telah bersabda mengenai lailatul qadar yang artinya : Sesungguhnya matahari yang keluar pada hari itu tidak begitu bercahaya (suram). - Hadis riwayat imam Muslim dalam kitab puasa -
2. Telah diriwayatkan daripada Nabi S.A.W bahawa baginda telah bersabda yang artinya : Sesungguhnya tanda-tanda lailatul qadar, bahawa malamnya bersih suci seolah-olah padanya bulan yang bersinar, tenang sunyi, tidak sejuk padanya dan tidak panas, tiada ruang bagi bintang untuk timbul sehingga subuh, dan sesungguhnya tanda-tandanya matahari pada paginya terbit sama tiada baginya cahaya seperti bulan malam purnama tidak membenarkan untuk syaitan keluar bersamanya pada hari itu. - Hadis riwayat imam Ahmad dengan isnad jayyid daripada Ibadah bin As-Somit -
3. Dalam Mu'jam At-Tobarani Al-Kabir daripada Waailah bin Al-Asqa' daripada Rasulullah S.A.W telah bersabda yang artinya : Malam lailatul qadar bersih, tidak sejuk, tidak panas, tidak berawan padanya, tidak hujan, tidak ada angin, tidak bersinar bintang dan daripada alamat siangnya terbit matahari dan tiada cahaya padanya(suram).
4. Telah meriwayat Al-Barraz dalam musnadnya daripada Ibn Abbas bahawa Rasulullah S.A.W telah bersabda yang artinya : Malam lailatul Qadar bersih tidak panas dan tidak pula sejuk.
Qadhi 'Iyad telah mengatakan ada dua pendapat mengenai matahari yang terbit tanpa cahaya iaitu:
1) Ia merupakan tanda penciptaan Allah SWT. 2) Menunjukkan bahawa kerana terlalu banyak para malaikat yang berzikir kepada Allah pada malamnya dan mereka turun ke bumi yang menyebabkan sayap-sayap dan tubuh mereka yang halus menutupi dan menghalangi matahari dan cahayanya.
Daripada hadis-hadis di atas bolehlah kita buat kesimpulan bahawa antara tanda-tanda lailatul qadar ialah :
a. Pada malamnya keadaan bersih dengan cuaca tidak sejuk dan tidak pula panas.
b. Malamnya tenang yang mana terang dan angin tidak bertiup sebagaimana biasa dan awan agak nipis.
c. Malamnya tidak turun hujan dan bintang pula tidak bercahaya seolah-olah tidak timbul.
d. Pada siangnya pula matahari terbit dalam keadaan suram.

Friday, September 14, 2007

1 Jam Bisa Membaca Al-Quran

Tercepat, Termudah, dan Terpraktis Pertama, terbaru, bergaransi, & 99,5% berhasil.
Setelah 1 jam belajar, anda benar-benar langsung bisa praktik membaca Al-Qur'an. Metode ini telah berhasil membimbing ribuan umat Islam dalam membaca Al-Qur'an meskipun dari nol / belum kenal huruf.
Selama 5 tahun dipraktikkan, metode ini sudah pernah diikuti oleh orang Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Australia, Jepang, Singapura, Philipina, India, Pakistan, dan mereka berhasil.
o VCD 1 : 1 Jam Teori dan Praktik
o VCD 2 : Praktik Membaca Pelan dan Tajwid 1
o VCD 3 : Praktik Membaca Pelan dan Tajwid 2
o VCD 4 : Praktik Membaca Cepat dan Tajwid 3
o VCD 5 : Teori Tajwid
o Buku Panduan Eksklusif
Saya baru masuk Islam, selama di Jepang saya ingin sekali belajar baca Al-Qur'an. Saat saya bertemu dengan METODE ISLAMI, dalam waktu 1 jam saya bisa baca Al-Qur'an. Saya dari nol. Nauko, 25 tahun, warga negara Jepang, ibu rumah tangga
Awalnya saya tidak yakin bisa membaca AL-Qur'an karena faktor usia. Alhamdulillah atas hidayah Allah saya ditunjukkan METODE ISLAMI, dalam waktu 1 jam saya bisa membaca al-Qur'an. Saya dari nol. Saya rajin belajar di rumah sendiri setelah 1 jam dibimbing oleh pengajarnya. S. Jono, 75 tahun, mantan PNS
Saya langsung bisa membaca Al-Qur'an setalah 1 jam belajar Al-Qur'an dengan METODE ISLAMI. Saya dari nol.
Saya yakin akan banyak lagi orang-orang yang berminat belajar baca Al-Qur'an dengan adanya METODE ISLAMI ini. Saya rajin belajar sendiri, setelah 1 jam saya dibimbing oleh pengajar dari Islamic Course Asy-Syarif. Hidayat A., 54 tahun, pengusaha
Saya muallaf (baru masuk Islam), saya benar-benar dari nol. Sya alangsung bisa membaca Al-Qur'an setelah 1 jam belajar Al-Qur'an dengan METODE ISLAMI. Setelah itu saya rajin belajar membaca Al-Qur'an sendiri di rumah. Heni, 25 tahun, karyawan
Saya ingin sekali bisa membaca Al-Qur'an karena teman-teman saya di sekolah banyak yang bisa membaca Al-Qur'an. Dengan METODE ISLAMI, dalam waktu 1 jam saya langsung bisa membaca Al-Qur'an, dan saya dari nol. Akbar, 10 tahun, pelajar
Kunci untuk bisa membaca Al-Qur'an hanya ada 3 yaitu : menguasai huruf (kekuatannya 90%), menguasai tanda baca dan menguasai tajwid (kekuatannya 10%). Ketiganya ini hanya membutuhkan waktu 1 jam dan selanjutnya langsung bisa praktik membaca Al-Qur'an.
Belajar huruf Al-Qur'an dengan METODE ISLAMI semudah belajar membaca huruf latin karena huruf-huruf Al-Qur'an tersebut jika hanya disebut nama depannya seperti menyebut huruf latin. Contoh : A lif = A, B a = B, T a = T, D al = D dan seterusnya. Anda juga akan mengetahui prinsip lainnya dalam METODE ISLAMI. Pada intinya Anda akan menemukan suatu metode belajar membaca Al-Quran terbaru yang sangat efisien dan efektif.
Profil Penyusun
METODE ISLAMI disusun pada tahun 2000 oleh sepasang suami istri Achmad Farid Hasan dan Zulfi Ida Syarifah. Achmad Farid Hasan adalah pimpinan dan pendiri Yayasan Islamic Course Ays-Syarif Jakarta. Beliau lulusan Fakultas Syariah IAIN Sunan Ample Surabaya tahun 1993 dan saat ini menjadi dosen Agama Islam di Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Trisakti Jakarta.
METODE ISLAMI dipraktikkan pertama kali pada tahun 2000 di Pasaraya Grande Blok M dan Pasaraya Manggarai Jakarta sampai sekarang.
Sesungguhnya Kami mudahkan Al-Qur'an itu dengan bahasamu supaya mereka mendapat pelajaran. Q.S. (44) Ad-Dukhaan : 58

Tutorial Mikrotik VPN : Point to Point Tunnel Protocol (PPTP)

PPTP (Point to Point Tunnel Protocol) supports encrypted tunnels over IP. The MikroTik RouterOS implementation includes support fot PPTP client and server.
General applications of PPTP tunnels:

* For secure router-to-router tunnels over the Internet* To link (bridge) local Intranets or LANs (when EoIP is also used)* For mobile or remote clients to remotely access an Intranet/LAN of a company (see PPTP setup for Windows for more information)
Each PPTP connection is composed of a server and a client. The MikroTik RouterOS may function as a server or client – or, for various configurations, it may be the server for some connections and client for other connections. For example, the client created below could connect to a Windows 2000 server, another MikroTik Router, or another router which supports a PPTP server.DescriptionPPTP is a secure tunnel for transporting IP traffic using PPP. PPTP encapsulates PPP in virtual lines that run over IP. PPTP incorporates PPP and MPPE (Microsoft Point to Point Encryption) to make encrypted links. The purpose of this protocol is to make well-managed secure connections between routers as well as between routers and PPTP clients (clients are available for and/or included in almost all OSs including Windows).
PPTP includes PPP authentication and accounting for each PPTP connection. Full authentication and accounting of each connection may be done through a RADIUS client or locally.
MPPE 40bit RC4 and MPPE 128bit RC4 encryption are supported.

PPTP traffic uses TCP port 1723 and IP protocol GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation, IP protocol ID 47), as assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). PPTP can be used with most firewalls and routers by enabling traffic destined for TCP port 1723 and protocol 47 traffic to be routed through the firewall or router.

PPTP connections may be limited or impossible to setup though a masqueraded/NAT IP connection. Please see the Microsoft and RFC links at the end of this section for more information.PPTP Client SetupSubmenu level : /interface pptp-clientProperty Descriptionname (name; default: pptp-out1) - interface name for referencemtu (integer; default: 1460) - Maximum Transmit Unit. The optimal value is the MTU of the interface the tunnel is working over decreased by 40 (so, for 1500-byte ethernet link, set the MTU to 1460 to avoid fragmentation of packets)mru (integer; default: 1460) - Maximum Receive Unit. The optimal value is the MTU of the interface the tunnel is working over decreased by 40 (so, for 1500-byte ethernet link, set the MRU to 1460 to avoid fragmentation of packets)connect-to (IP address)- the IP address of the PPTP server to connect touser (string)- user name to use when logging on to the remote serverpassword (string; default: "")- user password to use when logging to the remote serverprofile (name; default: default) - profile to use when connecting to the remote serveradd-default-route (yes no; default: no) - whether to use the server which this client is connected to as its default router (gateway)ExampleTo set up PPTP client named test2 using username john with password john to connect to the PPTP server and use it as the default gateway:

[admin@MikroTik] interface pptp-client> add name=test2 connect-to= \\... user=john add-default-route=yes password=john[admin@MikroTik] interface pptp-client> printFlags: X - disabled, R - running0 X name="test2" mtu=1460 mru=1460 connect-to= user="john"password="john" profile=default add-default-route=yes
[admin@MikroTik] interface pptp-client> enable 0
Monitoring PPTP ClientCommand name : /interface pptp-client monitorProperty DescriptionStatistics:
uptime (time) - connection time displayed in days, hours, minutes, and secondsencoding (string) - encryption and encoding (if asymmetric, separated with '/') being used in this connectionstatus (string) - status of the client:# Dialing – attempting to make a connection# Verifying password... - connection has been established to the server, password verification in progress# Connected – self-explanatory# Terminated – interface is not enabled or the other side will not establish a connection

ExampleExample of an established connection:
[admin@MikroTik] interface pptp-client> monitor test2uptime: 4h35sencoding: MPPE 128 bit, statelessstatus: Connected[admin@MikroTik] interface pptp-client>
PPTP Server SetupSubmenu level : /interface pptp-server server
[admin@MikroTik] interface pptp-server server> printenabled: nomtu: 1460mru: 1460authentication: mschap2default-profile: default[admin@MikroTik] interface pptp-server server>
DescriptionThe PPTP server supports unlimited connections from clients. For each current connection, a dynamic interface is created.Property Descriptionenabled (yes no; default: no) - defines whether PPTP server is enabled or notmtu (integer; default: 1460) - Maximum Transmit Unit. The optimal value is the MTU of the interface the tunnel is working over decreased by 40 (so, for 1500-byte ethernet link, set the MTU to 1460 to avoid fragmentation of packets)mru (integer; default: 1460) - Maximum Receive Unit. The optimal value is the MTU of the interface the tunnel is working over decreased by 40 (so, for 1500-byte ethernet link, set the MTU to 1460 to avoid fragmentation of packets)authentication (multiple choice: pap chap mschap1 mschap2; default: mschap2) - authentication algorithmdefault-profile (name; default: default) - default profile to useExampleTo enable PPTP server:
[admin@MikroTik] interface pptp-server server> set enabled=yes[admin@MikroTik] interface pptp-server server> printenabled: yesmtu: 1460mru: 1460authentication: mschap2default-profile: default[admin@MikroTik] interface pptp-server server>
PPTP Server UsersSubmenu level : /interface pptp-serverDescriptionThere are two types of items in PPTP server configuration - static users and dynamic connections. A dynamic connection can be established if the user database or the default-profile has its local-address and remote-address set correctly. When static users are added, the default profile may be left with its default values and only P2P user (in /ppp secret) should be configured. Note that in both cases P2P users must be configured properly.Property Descriptionname - interface nameuser - the name of the user that is configured statically or added dynamically

mtu - shows (cannot be set here) client's MTUclient-address - shows (cannot be set here) the IP of the connected clientuptime - shows how long the client is connectedencoding (string) - encryption and encoding (if asymmetric, separated with '/') being used in this connectionExampleTo add a static entry for ex1 user:
[admin@MikroTik] interface pptp-server> add user=ex1[admin@MikroTik] interface pptp-server> printFlags: X - disabled, D - dynamic, R - running# NAME USER MTU CLIENT-ADDRESS UPTIME ENC...0 DR ex 1460 6m32s none1 pptp-in1 ex1[admin@MikroTik] interface pptp-server>
In this example an already connected user ex is shown besides the one we just added.PPTP Router-to-Router Secure Tunnel ExampleThe following is an example of connecting two Intranets using an encrypted PPTP tunnel over the Internet.
There are two routers in this example:
* [HomeOffice]Interface LocalHomeOffice ToInternet
* [RemoteOffice]Interface ToInternet LocalRemoteOffice
Each router is connected to a different ISP. One router can access another router through the Internet.
On the PPTP server a user must be set up for the client:
[admin@HomeOffice] ppp secret> add name=ex service=pptp password=lkjrhtlocal-address= remote-address=[admin@HomeOffice] ppp secret> print detailFlags: X - disabled0 name="ex" service=pptp caller-id="" password="lkjrht" profile=defaultlocal-address= remote-address= routes==""
[admin@HomeOffice] ppp secret>

Then the user should be added in the PPTP server list:
[admin@HomeOffice] interface pptp-server> add user=ex[admin@HomeOffice] interface pptp-server> printFlags: X - disabled, D - dynamic, R - running# NAME USER MTU CLIENT-ADDRESS UPTIME ENC...0 pptp-in1 ex[admin@HomeOffice] interface pptp-server>
And finally, the server must be enabled:
[admin@HomeOffice] interface pptp-server server> set enabled=yes[admin@HomeOffice] interface pptp-server server> printenabled: yesmtu: 1460mru: 1460authentication: mschap2default-profile: default[admin@HomeOffice] interface pptp-server server>
Add a PPTP client to the RemoteOffice router:
[admin@RemoteOffice] interface pptp-client> add connect-to= user=ex \\... password=lkjrht disabled=no[admin@RemoteOffice] interface pptp-client> printFlags: X - disabled, R - running0 R name="pptp-out1" mtu=1460 mru=1460 connect-to= user="ex"password="lkjrht" profile=default add-default-route=no
[admin@RemoteOffice] interface pptp-client>
Thus, a PPTP tunnel is created between the routers. This tunnel is like an Ethernet point-to-point connection between the routers with IP addresses and at each router. It enables 'direct' communication between the routers over third party networks.
To route the local Intranets over the PPTP tunnel – add these routes:
[admin@HomeOffice] > ip route add dst-address gateway[admin@RemoteOffice] > ip route add dst-address gateway
On the PPTP server it can alternatively be done using routes parameter of the user configuration:
[admin@HomeOffice] ppp secret> print detailFlags: X - disabled0 name="ex" service=pptp caller-id="" password="lkjrht" profile=defaultlocal-address= remote-address= routes==""
[admin@HomeOffice] ppp secret> set 0 routes=" 1"[admin@HomeOffice] ppp secret> print detailFlags: X - disabled0 name="ex" service=pptp caller-id="" password="lkjrht" profile=defaultlocal-address= remote-address=" 1"
[admin@HomeOffice] ppp secret>
Test the PPTP tunnel connection:
[admin@RemoteOffice]> /ping pong: ttl=255 time=3 ms10.0.103.1 pong: ttl=255 time=3 ms10.0.103.1 pong: ttl=255 time=3 msping interrupted3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet lossround-trip min/avg/max = 3/3.0/3 ms
Test the connection through the PPTP tunnel to the LocalHomeOffice interface:
[admin@RemoteOffice]> /ping pong: ttl=255 time=3 ms10.150.2.254 pong: ttl=255 time=3 ms10.150.2.254 pong: ttl=255 time=3 msping interrupted3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet lossround-trip min/avg/max = 3/3.0/3 ms
To bridge a LAN over this secure tunnel, please see the example in the 'EoIP' section of the manual. To set the maximum speed for traffic over this tunnel, please consult the 'Queues' section.
Connecting a Remote Client via PPTP TunnelThe following example shows how to connect a computer to a remote office network over PPTP encrypted tunnel giving that computer an IP address from the same network as the remote office has (without need of bridging over eoip tunnels)
Please, consult the respective manual on how to set up a PPTP client with the software You are using.
The router in this example:
* [RemoteOffice]Interface ToInternet Office
The client computer can access the router through the Internet.
On the PPTP server a user must be set up for the client:
[admin@RemoteOffice] ppp secret> add name=ex service=pptp password=lkjrhtlocal-address= remote-address=[admin@RemoteOffice] ppp secret> print detailFlags: X - disabled0 name="ex" service=pptp caller-id="" password="lkjrht" profile=defaultlocal-address= remote-address= routes==""
[admin@RemoteOffice] ppp secret>
Then the user should be added in the PPTP server list:
[admin@RemoteOffice] interface pptp-server> add name=FromLaptop user=ex[admin@RemoteOffice] interface pptp-server> printFlags: X - disabled, D - dynamic, R - running# NAME USER MTU CLIENT-ADDRESS UPTIME ENC...0 FromLaptop ex[admin@RemoteOffice] interface pptp-server>
And the server must be enabled:
[admin@RemoteOffice] interface pptp-server server> set enabled=yes[admin@RemoteOffice] interface pptp-server server> printenabled: yesmtu: 1460mru: 1460authentication: mschap2default-profile: default[admin@RemoteOffice] interface pptp-server server>
Finally, the proxy APR must be enabled on the 'Office' interface:
[admin@RemoteOffice] interface ethernet> set Office arp=proxy-arp[admin@RemoteOffice] interface ethernet> printFlags: X - disabled, R - running# NAME MTU MAC-ADDRESS ARP0 R ToInternet 1500 00:30:4F:0B:7B:C1 enabled1 R Office 1500 00:30:4F:06:62:12 proxy-arp[admin@RemoteOffice] interface ethernet>

Thursday, September 13, 2007

High Speed Internet Connection

Internet has almost become a lifeline for the new generation. Many businesses now depend entirely on the Internet. People residing in different parts of world are able to talk to each other via the medium of Internet. Video conferencing is a live example of it. Many marriages are also made with the help of the Internet. The list of benefits that Internet provides is limitless.
But, what would you do when you have a slow speed internet connection that takes a lot of time? That internet connection would simply be useless to you.

The speed at which you are connected to the Internet plays a very important role in enjoying the advantages offered by it. For example, suppose one of your relatives who is residing overseas, has sent you a holiday clip. Now, if your Internet speed is slow then first of all it would take a long time to load the mail website. Then you would enter your user name and password. It would again take extra time to verify it. Also, downloading the clip would be very slow, even if its size is very small. Overall, you can say that having a low speed Internet connection (dial-up connection) is not a good thing.

There are many choices available for a high speed Internet connection. DSL, Cable and Satellite are some of them. You can select the best one from them. Here are some of the common benefits that all these high speed Internet connections provide.

* Viewing of streamlining clips or videos is very easy and fast in these connections. Dial-up connections may not even allow their access. * You can upload web pages and download any kind of information or software with more than twice the speed of dial-up connection. * Downloading of images and huge e-mail files can be done almost promptly. * High speed Internet connection has proven to be a boon for all businessmen. They can now access the world wide web within a few seconds. Their businesses have been highly benefited through efficient and quick video conferencing which would have been impossible in a slow dial-up connection. * For those people who work from home, a high speed Internet connection can assist them in increasing their overall work efficiency and output. * On a long term basis, the high speed Internet connection can prove to be highly economical.

DSL: The best choice for high speed internet connection Now-a-days, DSL has become the leading choice for a high speed Internet connection. DSL works on existing telephone lines. With a DSL connection you can browse the web and talk on the phone at the same time. Generally, a DSL connection requires a DSL router, a dedicated phone line and a network card or a modem for each system. The installation of DSL at your location is the responsibility of the service provider. Last but not the least, this high speed Internet connection is offered at very affordable prices.

Friday, September 7, 2007

T Kardin Knife (Indonesia Hand Made Knife)

T Kardin Knife is knife from Indonesia its make with hand (hand made) but the quality is good you wont see, cek this site http://www.tokopisau.com/

Made with D-2 steel. Also comes with a custom leather sheath and you can make it with your design

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Dovecot on Fedora Core System

This article explains how to setup a small mail server very fast on a Fedora Core system. After following this tutorial, you will have:
- MTA: Postfix- SMTP Authentification: Cyrus SASL- IMAP and POP3: Dovecot- Webmail: Squirrelmail
Installing packages
- Install the needed packages using YUM: Login as root and type the following command in a terminal:
# yum install postfix dovecot cyrus-sasl cyrus-sasl-devel cyrus-sasl-plain cyrus-sasl-lib squirrelmail
It doesn't matter if you have one or more packages already installed as yum will skip those and install only the missing ones.
- Change the default MTA: Type the following command in a terminal and choose postfix:
# system-switch-mail
- Add Postfix and Dovecot (and optionally httpd if you also chose to install the webmail) to startup: First, make sure they are in the services list:
# chkconfig --list grep postfix# chkconfig --list grep dovecot# chkconfig --add postfix (only if necessary)# chkconfig --add dovecot (only if necessary)
Then add them for init levels 3 and 5, just in case you will change your init level:
# chkconfig --levels 35 postfix on# chkconfig --levels 35 dovecot on# chkconfig --levels 35 httpd on
Configuring Postfix
- Edit /etc/postfix/main.cf and change the following values. These are the basic values that need editing in order to get you going really fast. Don't edit other values unless you know what you're doing:
myhostname = mail.example.com This is only an example. Replace mail.example.com with your real Internet hostname or IP address. This will be the address that receives the mails.
mydomain = example.comOptional. Replace example.com with your real domain name. This will be the domain your mails appear to be sent from. It can also be used as the destination.
inet_interfaces = allThis parameter specifies the address used for receiving mail.
mydestination = $myhostname, $mydomain, localhost, localhost.localdomainThis parameter specifies the list of domains that this machine considers itself the final destination for. You can enter here all the hostnames pointing at your IP address but DON'T specify the names of domains that this machine is backup MX host for.
home_mailbox = Maildir/This specifies the path where the mail is stored. Mailbox will store the mailto /var/spool/mail/user or /var/mail/user, while Maildir/ (the / is required) will store the mail in each user's home directory (/home/user/Maildir)
- Save the file and restart Postfix with:
# service postfix restart
- Test it: Run the following command and check /root/Maildir/new for a message. You can read it using less, cat or a text editor:
# echo "Hello" mail root
Configuring Dovecot
- Edit /etc/dovecot.conf and change the following line:
protocols = imap pop3 Don't leave the '#' in front
- Test and start Dovecot:
# echo "Hello" mail username'username' is a NON-ROOT user so you might have to create one.
- Start Apache for webmail and Dovecot:
# service httpd start # service dovecot start
- Test it: Open your favorite browser and go to http://your.hostname.com/webmail and log in with the NON-ROOT user and password. If everything worked out well, you should have a new mail in your inbox.
Enable SMTP Authentication
- Edit the /etc/postfix/main.cf file and add these lines at the bottom of the file:
smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yessmtpd_sasl_security_options = noanonymoussmtpd_sasl_local_domain = $myhostnamebroken_sasl_auth_clients = yessmtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_sasl_authenticated, check_relay_domains
- Start the saslauthd daemon and reload Postfix:
# service saslauthd start# service postfix reload
Everything should work fine now. Open you favorite email client (Thunderbird, KMail etc) and set your account as follows:
IncomingName: Your nameEmail address: The-NON-ROOT-user@example.comAccount password: your-linux-password-for-the-non-root-userServer type: POPIncoming server: mail.example.com
OutgoingDescription: SomethingServer address: mail.example.comPort: 25Check "My SMTP server requires authentication"Username: The-NON-ROOT-user@example.comPassword: your-linux-password-for-the-non-root-userChoose "PLAIN" for authentication type.
If you want to receive the root's mail to your non-root user maildir, edit the /etc/aliases file and uncomment the root line to look like this and reload Postfix.
root: non-root-user
That's it! Play around with the settings in main.cf and tweak them to your taste but always remember to make a backup in case something goes wrong.

Vista On CD (TinyVista)

I have search vista on CD, and i found this one

Windows TinyVista Unattended Activated CD (x86)
Thank you for trying this special eXPerience edition of Windows Vista Ultimate.
No product key is needed. Windows Vista is activated upon installation. Windows is fully patched with all "important" Windows Updates to 8th may 2007.
The 512Mb RAM memory requirement is reduced to just 256Mb.
The requirement of almost 8Gb of disk space is reduced to less than 3Gb.
This installation only takes up about 35% of the size of a normal installation of Windows Vista. Many components have been removed from this edition of Windows, but you still have Microsoft's three main programs:
Internet Explorer 7 Windows Mail (Formerly "Outlook Express") Windows Media Player 11
You also have the new Aero theme in this edition of Windows and the ability to use Windows Update.
There are no services taken out of this special edition of Windows. Only three services have been disabled: Remote Registry, Windows Error Reporting Service, Windows Search.
You cannot do an upgrade installation from this CD, because the upgrade files have been removed. You can only install Windows by booting from the CD and formatting your partition or hard drive.
There are concerns about finding a good firewall and antivirus for Windows Vista. If you want to use a good antivirus, get hold of NOD32 v2.70.31 (or later) and use the NSANE fix. For a firewall, you're stuck with the built in firewall it seems, at least until software vendors start to make Vista compatible firewalls. On June 7th 2007, Comodo Firewall version 3 is due for release - this will have Vista support.
[eXPerience Folder On The CD]
The eXPerience folder on the CD contains the following three folders:
---DirectX DLL Files--- Despite Windows Vista being an absolutely massive operating system, it still does not even include DirectX DLL files! What were Microsoft thinking? So if you need the DirectX 9 DLL files (d3dx9_24/25/26/27/28/29/30/31/32/33.dll) you can just double click the file in this folder to extract these 10 DLL files to system32. This will keep compatibility with games you might have stored on another drive from a previous installation. Code: Just the DirectX files listed above http://rapidshare.com/files/35235015/fixvistagames.rar p/w - fixgames
---Ethernet Drivers--- Despite Windows Vista being an absolutely massive operating system, it still does not even include some Ethernet Drivers! What were Microsoft thinking? So if your Ethernet card is not working after installing Windows Vista and it needs its driver installing, you can use the Ethernet Driver pack thats included in this folder. Follow the instructions in the ReadMe.txt file. After installing your Ethernet Card, see if your onboard sound is working, IT PROBABLY WON'T BE, it seems Microsoft forgot to include Realtek AC97 sound drivers in Windows Vista, this is ridiculous considering almost every motherboard in the world has Realtek AC97 sound! Its almost as if Microsoft are trying to annoy people on purpose, they give you a 2.5Gb+ DVD sized Operating System WITHOUT Ethernet Drivers, Sound Drivers or DirectX DLL files.
---Release Info--- This folder contains all the detailed information about this TinyVista CD:
1 - FAQ 2 - How To Install Windows 3 - Removed Components 4 - Windows Updates 5 - Custom Tweaks These files are included on the iso, add here for more info Code: http://rapidshare.com/files/34678455/ReleaseInfo.rar pass - wtvuacd
[How To Install Windows]
This unattended version of Windows is very easy to install.
You can only install this edition of Windows onto a formatted partition or hard drive, in other words, you cannot do an upgrade installation from within Windows.
To find out all the information on how to install this edition of Windows, open the eXPerience folder that is on the CD and open the file "2 - How To Install Windows.htm" This guide will show you exactly what to do, with full images of the setup screens. upgrade installation see below -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[Custom Tweaks]
This edition of Windows is heavily modified for the best possible user experience, with more than 120 registry tweaks, you can see all the details of the changes made by looking at the file "5 - Custom Tweaks.htm" that is in the Release Info folder in the eXPerience folder on the CD.
[Removed Components]
This CD sized release of Windows Vista has had the following components removed using vLite:
[Accessories] Accessibility Speech Support Welcome Center
[Drivers] Display adapters Modems Printers
[Games] Game Explorer Inbox Games Premium Inbox Games
[Languages] Japanese Korean Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese
[Multimedia] Media Center Movie and DVD Maker Screensavers Wallpapers Windows Media Samples
[System] BitLocker Drive Encryption Help Microsoft Agent Natural Language Security Center Tablet PC Windows Defender Windows Easy Transfer
The ability to upgrade from an older version of Windows has also been removed manually after vLite was used. vLite does not support this at this moment in time, but this was done by removing every file and folder from the "sources" folder on the CD except the two Windows image files "boot.wim" and "install.wim"
[Windows Updates]
This special eXPerience edition of Windows Vista includes all the "important" Windows Updates up to Tuesday, May 8th, 2007.
These hotfixes are installed silently near the end of the Windows install process...
KB890830 KB925902 KB928089 KB929399 KB929735 KB930178 KB930857 KB931573 KB931768 KB932246 KB936824
[ISO File SHA-512 Checksum]
To get the "SHA-512" checksum for this ISO file calculated, use the included program "HashCalc"
1 - Run HashCalc. 2 - Tick the "SHA512" tick box. 3 - Untick all other tickboxes. 4 - Click the browse "..." button (next to the white box) 5 - In the window that pops up, double click the downloaded ISO file. 6 - Click "Calculate" 7 - After a few minutes you will see a 128 digit number.
Make sure that the number shown in HashCalc is the same as this one:
77a57ecf9bda4c4e347c5d4bd3cc3256 dad3d0a25d6d63c3ac69d82112b8a475 427da569023d3c87572aac84916148d2 ea579645e3207c85847a154171e9164e
If your checksum number is not the same as above, don't use this release, because it is not a genuine eXPerience release!
This same checksum code can be verified with the one in the post for this release on Demonoid.com or retestrak.nl
This ISO file is already bootable! If you have Nero Burning ROM, just right click the ISO file and open it with Nero, then burn the ISO file as an image file.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enjoy this fine release from eXPerience ------------------------------------------------------

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Running SSH with Nokia N9500

In my office has use wifi and i try wifi from nokia to connect wifi after seting in nokia 9500 is running well, and than i have idea used SSH, TELNET Program from that mobile (nokia 9500) to access my router, my server and etc, and than i search on the internet. and than i found that program, its name Mobile SSHThis Aplication running on OS Symbian it'll running on OS Symbian what ever your mobile

1. Install on Nokia 9500
2. Test to my router (running well)
3. Test to my server (running well)
4. Test to AS400 .. (runninn well)

if you wont try, that aplication can be download at

and in that site not only Mobile SSH, so many aplication on that site but it's not free guys..
but u can test with trial

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Multilangguage Site with patTemplate

When you make site for you client, maybe they wont they site's with some language (example : english, indonesia or other) . Here's the idea when you make multilanguage site :
1. You can duplicate the site with language you wont, if the site is in five languages so you must copy/duplicate with five files and this make some space for this copy/duplicate
2. Make one site but support for multilanguage, but this have support and good script for translate the language
3. etc

if you choose number two you can use engine patTemplate

Cool Link Games

Bosen di kantor .. soalnya minggu masuk kerja (gile ajeee), padahal senin s/d jumat udah masuk eh ada peraturan baru sabtu dan minggu harus masuk .(capek deh)

dari pada bosan langsung buka uncle google dengan key games eh ketemu link games ini
http://www.wiicade.com/ ya lumayan lah buat hilangin ke bosanan di kantor

selamat mencoba
dari yg bosan di kantor
= )

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Welcome to My Blog , U can find anything u wont

Here i will presenting tutorial, article, etc in both Langguage Indonesia and English.
that mean sometimes i'll use english or indonesia langguage.
But mostly i use Bahasa Indonesia.

Have a nice .. browsing
peace ...