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Thursday, March 6, 2008

Joomla Template Maker

Here's a Complete Solution and you, DON'T need any HTML or PHP experience.
What comes with the package?
You receive the following:
* Complete Windows Application
* “How to” Movie
* Documentation Package

Quite Simply it takes your graphic images and creates a complete template zip file ready to load into Joomla. It does what it says quickly and cleanly. Technically - It creates a 100% width ‘autostretch’ 3 column layout. The layout is 3 seperate 100% tables ’stacked’ vertically-the top table is for the header area, the middle table is for the Joomla left, center and right columns, and the bottom table is for the footer area. Additionally, the middle table will contain a 3 column 100% nested table. In addition we create the valid XML file and CSS descriptors all ready to run.

I was totally amazed when I first started using Joomla. For what was a BRILLIANT Content Management System, it seems to me so complex when it came to designing the Templates. Arcane instructions left me bewildered. I really didn't know which way to turn.

I began by 'buying in' ready made templates and trying to convert them. But there was something missing. Trying to embed my own graphics was a nightmare. What I needed was a simple way to take my own graphic headers etc and create a Joomla Template Package ready to rock 'n roll.

Sure there were plenty of Dreamweaver Add-On's but I need something that would run directly from Windows - a kind of simple Q+A - Fill in the Blanks and Go.
And so ..... I got it made and I'm passing on the benefits to you.
Template Creation without even a sniff of Dreamweaver or any other HTML Editor.
* Stand-Alone Windows Program
* Creates Complete Zip Template package ready to upload
* Includes creation of valid XML file - You need to add NOTHING.

Save Your Private Folder

Folder Encryption Dog is a Folders' data access control and encryption utility designed for Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/Server 2003. It lets you password protect, hide, and encrypt data of folders in hard disk or portable disk. Without password, nobody is able to delete, move or copy the files in protected folders.
If you have private and important documents to protect, please try this tool, you will find it to be very powerful, helpful, and simple-to-use.
Simple-to-use: Copy the soft to the folder being protected, input password,push the button "Encrypt",that is OK!
What happens as follows:-- Everything in the protected folder disappears except for the soft. -- The protected folder can not be deleted, moved or copied.

Main features
- It is an green software, needs not to be installed.
- Password protection for files and subfolders in folders.
- Make any number of files and folders not accessible and invisible.
- High-level protection/High density encryption.
- Protect folders in hard disk or portable disk.
- Support of NTFS and FAT systems..

Saturday, March 1, 2008

WAMP Server

Mau Install Wordpress, Joomla atau yang lain di PC sendiri ehm mudah saja, coba aja pake WAMP Server 2.0 mudah dan simple

Download WAMP Server di site nya

Selamat Mencoba


You have error message when turn on your laptop
first thing, oops the hd crash and thing what about my data, dont worry you can fix it

the point it you must repair your hd with running command chkdsk /r in command prompt, but can go to windows, so how came, first thing you must boot your laptop from cd that can in command prompt.

in this case i boot from hirens's cd,
From menu hirens i chose (that step is)
1. NTFS Ext2FS, Ext3FS (FileSysyem) Tools..
1. NTFS Dos Pro. 5.0

let the NTSF Dos Pro running and procces, when ask run CHKDSK, answe with YES (by default is YES) so you can obey this dialog box,

then the hirens cd (NTFS Dos Pro) fix your hd, after finish you can boot your laptop and boot from your hd/system not from cd/dvd

after login to windows, you can copy or backup your data to another device like another hd or cd or flashdisk, congrotulation